With visual learning, improve comprehension and retention skills of students and classroom engagement in schools!

In the past few years, the world has become largely technology-driven and fast-paced, profoundly transforming different industries and sectors, including education. Gone are the days when schools solely relied on static textbooks and lengthy lectures to impart knowledge. Visual learning has been a true gamechanger, especially in the realm of science. It is proven to improve comprehension and retention in students, enhancing classroom engagement. It also supports diverse learning styles.

With JoVE for High Schools, we envision supporting schools to leverage on visual learning to enhance STEM education – improving teaching experiences and learning outcomes at once.

What is JoVE for High Schools? 

JoVE for High Schools is an online learning platform designed to help advance STEM instruction, offering a library of 19,000+ captivating videos that include concept explanations, lab demonstrations and advanced research videos.

Our science videos serve as teacher resources, helping them simplify complex science concepts for students and accelerate learning. We offer 2 key products:

JoVE Education JoVE Research

  1. JoVE Education
  2. JoVE Research

Why Choose JoVE for High Schools?
As a leading platform for high school science videos, our content library includes biology videos, chemistry videos and physics videos, further branching into molecular biology, organic chemistry and more.

  1. Comprehensive Subject Coverage
    Created by Ph. D. scholars and subject experts, our science videos span from introductory concepts to advanced topics, through lab videos, science experiment videos, journal videos and more. This comprehensive coverage ensures that students get a holistic and a strong foundational understanding of each subject. 
  2. Standards Aligned, Curriculum-Focused Videos
    JoVE’s wide range of K12 science videos are perfect teacher resources, aligned with NGSS, AP and US standards. Our curriculum-focused science teaching videos breathe new life into STEM education.
  3. Seamless LMS Integration
    JoVE videos and quizzes can easily be embedded into any LMS. We also offer LTI integration. Our services ensure that school admins focus more on enhancing STEM education and less on related technical challenges.
  4. Mapped Textbooks
    With our custom textbook mapping services, schools get to customize the content to their unique classroom needs, thereby helping in designing lesson plans for science teachers and improving learning outcomes.
  5. Save On Lab Resources
    JoVE’s science teaching videos with science experiments help teach lab skills better and improve classroom engagement, thus saving on time, money and streamline resources.
  6. Accessibility and Inclusivity
    Visual learning inherently supports different learning styles. Additionally, our videos and transcripts are available in 13+ languages enhancing the accessibility and inclusivity factors.

Nurture the Next Generation of STEM Geniuses with JoVE
Inorder to spark genuine curiosity, interest and passion for science in the minds of students, STEM education too needs to be dynamic, engaging and easily-comprehensible. Achieve this and also leverage platform scalability and flexibility for evolving educational needs with JoVE!

Explore our institutional trials for schools and school districts, before purchasing a subscription.

To request a trial, get in touch with us using the linked form or write to us at highschools@jove.com.